Easily-missed stories!

Here is an overview of PKNA stories that weren't printed during the main runs, and thus could have been missed. All of these are also in the full overview, which will also give away less plot than this page.
Note: stories that are grouped together (e.g. Universo PK) will be linked via their subseries rather than individual stories, since inducks provides a good overview already.

PKNA/PK²'s easily-missed stories are:

After PKNA and PK² ended, but before PKNE was published, a lot of PKNA spinoffs got made by writers who weren't involved with PKNA. The most well-known spinoff is, of course, the complete reboot PK - Pikappa, but there were also some stories by the Dutch publishers and two stories set in a universe where Donald and Uno never met.

Paperinik: New Era was released in 2014, and is still ongoing. Despite its long run, it only has about 15 main stories. There are only a few ones that are easy to miss, assuming you kept up with the switch to Fuoriserie:

Last updated: 01/01/2022. If you have any additions or corrections, please message howtoreadpkna on tumblr.